

8 years ago
1 yorum
Eren Alp Demir

       Hi! I am Eren Alp Demir. I am a teacher. I love children and I chosethis profession to say that, I want to protect them. Because, they are the future generation. If you also go to school in the few hours, I will be at school at 8.30 am. Secondary normally will see up to 7 hours at classes and courses for 5 hours. I am commiting that makes me happy, I feel myself children. I'm going to home, school my only purpose here is to teach something. Schools undergoing such examinations and sometimes laughter, sometimes lessons. Finally it ends at 4.30 in the school. My life like that thank you very much for listening to me.



                                                                                                         EREN ALP DEMİR


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mehmet dere M.G.

12 Apr 2016


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